Monitoring actual building performance helps us understand and reduce energy and resource consumption.
Title: 'Dematerialistion in multi-residential housing: examining effects on occupant comfort and the environment'
Researcher: Katie Skillington, The University of Melbourne
Description: This PhD research project interrogates dematerialisation as a design approach to improve environmental outcomes in multi-residential housing. As exemplars of buildings employing dematerialisation, Nightingale 1 and The Commons' life-cycle environmental performance and indoor environment quality will be quantified, analysed and communicated. It is anticipated that this research will contribute to the further development of the Nightingale model with respect to environmental performance.
Status: Commenced 2018
Title: Nightingale 2.0 pre and post occupancy evaluation
Researchers: Dr Trivess Moore, Dr Mary Myla Andamon, Dr Jin Woo RMIT.
Description: This project aims to evaluate the lived experience of households and technical performance of apartments in Nightingale 2.0. Interviews with households both before and after they moved in are being undertaken to understand the expectations and lived experiences of households. A range of performance data is also being collected to see if the actual use matches the design intent. The results will help inform future building development in Australia and aim to inform policy and practice developments towards a more sustainability building future.
Status: Commenced 2019
Funded by: NA