Development Models
A key aim of NHL is to provide housing via methods outside of the typical, speculative development processes..
Title: Deliberative Development Case Studies
Researcher: Dr Andrea Sharam, RMIT University.
Description: This project investigated deliberative development projects completed in Australia between the early 1980s and 2017, including Nightingale Housing.
Status: Complete
Title: Understanding the Nightingale Housing 'Purchaser List'.
Researchers: Dr Jasmine Palmer & Dr Andrea Sharam
Description: By surveying the Nightingale Housing ‘Purchaser List’ this project will increase our understanding of the demographics, motivations, and ambitions of households interested in being apartment owner-occupiers. Ultimately, the research will contribute to improved urban consolidation outcomes for the broader community as the voices of more diverse households are heard and more models emerge to deliver apartments which are homes rather than commodities.
Status: Commencing late 2019
Funded by: -
Title: Alternative Multi-Unit Housing Provision (AMUHP) in Australia.
Researcher: Dr Jasmine Palmer, UniSA.
Description: This research project aims to produce knowledge to advance the development of alternative multi-unit housing provision sectors in Australia. To [1] enable those who want to develop a multi-unit community to do so, working together with their future neighbours to build their own living environment, [2] examine how the roles of existing and new professional stakeholders change when we 'develop without developers' in Australia.
The primary research question is: "What are the impediments to Alternative Multi-Unit Housing Provision in Australia?"
Status: Continuing
Funded by: University of South Australia URIPA Seed Funding Grant 2017-18
Title: European Examples: what lessons for Australia?
Researcher: Dr Jasmine Palmer, UniSA.
Description: This project has explored innovative housing models both proposed and produced in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom with the aim of transferring lessons learnt from these locations to the Australian context. The questions posed to stakeholders have been informed by previous research determining barriers to non-speculative development in Australia.
Status: Commenced 2018
Title: Compact cities by and for residents: the land challenge
Researcher: Dr Jasmine Palmer, UniSA.
Description: Numerous European cities have implemented programes to disrupt the typical market-based path of selling publically owned sites to the highest bidder, reducing marketisation of the process of compacting the city. A diversity of approaches have been implemented in different locations; this project identifies the commonalities and differences between approaches taken in different jurisdictions. It does so through the thematic analysis of in-depth interviews undertaken in 2018 with more than 50 stakeholders from Berlin, Germany, London, UK, and the cities of Amsterdam, Den Haag, and Delft in the Netherlands.
What lessons can Australia and other nations learn from the experiences in Berlin, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom? What alternative approaches to market-driven land policies can help to engage urban residents in producing more liveable and equitable compact cities for themselves and their communities?
Status: Commenced 2018
Title: Consolidating the Australian Dream. (PhD Thesis)
Researcher: Dr Jasmine Palmer, University of Adelaide.
Description: In promoting urban consolidation, Australia’s strategic urban plans have the unintended consequence of reducing, if not eliminating, an individual household’s capacity to directly engage with new dwelling production. The thesis argues successful consolidation of the Australian Dream advocated by contemporary urban planning policies, requires that future residents be provided with greater capacity to influence design decision-making within the multi-unit structure of housing provision. Drawing lessons from the alternative cases in Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom, it proposes reconfiguring provision of multi-unit housing to enable this to occur. The comparison of Australian and international case studies builds knowledge applicable to the development of policies and programs promoting collective self-organised housing in Australia, with relevance also to other dwelling densities.
Status: Completed 2016
Funded by: APA Scholarship, University of Adelaide and AHURI Scholarship.