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Dr Mary Myla Andamon

Senior Lecturer

Sustainable Building Innovation Laboratory

School of Property, Construction and Project Management, RMIT University

Myla lectures in the undergraduate construction management program and in the coursework postgraduate program, Master of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building (MEESB) at the School of Property, Construction and Project Management (PCPM), RMIT University. As building scientist, Myla works on a range of research and consulting projects on indoor environmental quality, indoor/outdoor thermal comfort, urban microclimate, building environmental monitoring and performance assessments, building modelling and simulations and building energy efficiency.


Myla’s research on thermal comfort in office buildings has contributed to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning (ASHRAE) Thermal Comfort Database II (2018) which produce a quality-assured current database and inform the periodic updates to the international indoor comfort standard for buildings, ASHRAE Standard 55-Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy. Currently, Myla is working on research projects which involve the assessment of indoor air quality in schools and aged-care facilities. This includes a project funded by the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning which addresses the lack of clear documentation on the state of indoor environments of these facilities backed by measurements and investigation of the relationship between aspects of indoor environments, student performance and health and well-being. Myla is also chief investigator in a citizen science project with funding from the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation and Science on the measurement of urban heat island and local climate change. Involving over 1200 citizen scientists from 22 local councils across Australia, the project empowers citizen scientists by including them in the research process and increasing their scientific literacy and understanding of scientific methods in urban climate research.

Images courtesy of: Breathe Architecture, EDHO Architecture, ClarkeHopkinsClarke Architects, Michael Downes, Peter Clarke, Andy Gergus, Kate Longley, Andrew Wuttke,

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